The K9 Kapers offer agility classes taught by experienced handlers.
Introduction to Agility classes usually begin in late April or early May, when the field is dry after the winter. Contact Jeri (506-455-7052) for more information or to enrol in classes.
All classes are held at our outdoor training field on Route 105 in Keswick. If you are travelling on the north side from Fredericton, the field is located 12.9km from the Douglas Irving/Douglas Animal Hospital. It will be on your left just before the intersection of Crock’s Point Road and Route 616. Travelling across the Mactaquac Dam from the south side, you will take the first road on your right (Route 105). The field will be on your right, after the intersection of Crock’s Point Road and Route 616.
You are most welcome to come out to observe a class, see the equipment, and ask questions.
When the snow flies in December we move to an indoor facility that is available to members only. Classes are not available during the winter months.
Introduction to Agility (5 week course) $150
The Intro to Agility class will focus on impulse control through crate games, learning a release word, and circle work. The dogs will learn with positive reinforcement and also how to shape certain behaviours. There will be an introduction to targeting, directionals, jump work, retrieving, tugging, control positions and recalls. These skills will greatly enhance the foundation for agility, and most of all will teach the dog and handler to have fun with each other.
Foundations (5 week course) $150
The foundation level includes the skills considered to be fundamental to the sport of agility. The classes include groundwork that works on attention and focus exercises, targeting work for contact performance, hind end awareness, as well as exercises for developing jumping skills, turning, and solid start line stays. The dogs will be exposed to some pieces of agility equipment such as tunnels and jumps without height bars. Positive reinforcement is used to pattern the skills taught in this class. Our goal is to create a fun, safe, and stress free environment that will allow you and your canine partner to be successful in building the basic skills necessary for agility.
Beginners (8 week course) $200
The Beginners level continues to build on the fundamental skills and dog handler relationships taught in the Foundations class. Attention, focus, and targeting exercises are reinforced while the dog learns to complete each piece of agility equipment. The two on/two off method is taught for contact performance on the teeter, a-frame, and dog walk, and we strive to ensure safe and proper techniques while encouraging speed and precision. You and your dog will complete short sequences using the skills developed to-date.
Intermediate (8 week course) $200
The Intermediate level switches training focus from the dog to the handler. In the intermediate level, the handlers learn the agility moves to get them where they need to be to properly direct their dog. The handling techniques include front and rear crosses, and lead out-pivots. Handlers are taught how to recognize and handle obstacle patterns, such as 180’s, pinwheels, back sides, blinds, and longer sequences while still reinforcing the fundamental skills developed in the Foundations and Beginners levels.
Advanced (10 week course) $250
The Advanced course focuses on longer sequences, distance work, obstacle/handler discrimination and the timing of handling and cue delivery. Serpentine and threadle handling are introduced at this level. Finally, in the last four classes we complete a lengthy review of all skills learned to date, such as front crosses, rear crosses, blinds, back sides, 180’s, push through, lead out pivot, decision making, verbal cues, and distance work.
Introduction to Competition (6 week course) $200
The Introduction to Competition course focuses on the rules of competitive agility. Strategies for handling and walking a course are discussed about each of the agility games. As a group, the students will learn to build, walk, and handle a course. Each week we focus on one of the six games played in agility, creating a fun and stress free environment for both handler and dog so you are prepared to enter your first agility trial if you so choose.
Introduction to Weaving (6 week course) $150
This class is based on Susan Garrett’s 2×2 method to teach the weave poles. The dog must be proficient in shaping and able to drive ahead of the handler in order to successfully learn via this technique. The dog and handler must be ready to commit to training at home on their own on a regular basis to enhance the skills taught in class. Each dog and handler team will progress at their own pace. The goal is that dogs weave 6 or 12 poles by the end of the 6 week class, but all teams progress at a different rate.
All current club members receive a 10% discount off classes